G603 gray granite cube

G603 gray granite cobblestone

Material:G603 granite, light grey granite


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G603 gray granite cube

G603 gray granite cobblestone

Material:G603 granite, light grey granite

Product Code:  G603 gray granite cube

Tags: G603 gray granite cube

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G603 cube is quality light gray granite cube. It occupies 25% of granite cube market in China as the gray granite cube is high density and hardness. And the color gray is popular while the prices of G603 granite cube is rather cheap than most of other natural granite mat set.

China G603 granite is also polished and flamed for granite stairs, fireplace, natural split cobble stone, and kerbstone. G603 granite cube is cheap to be good choice on granite pavement project.

size : 10x10x5cm , 20x20x5cm , 8x8x8cm

Finish : (1) Bush hammered (2) all sides natural(3)flamed surface (4) Bush hammered